
Aalto Future of Work Aalto Future of Work

A Certificate is an official Aalto University credential that confirms that you successfully completed a course. After completing the course you can download an official Aalto University course Certificate with a unique verification code. The Certificate can be downloaded from the My Courses tab on the Future of Work platform or from the front page of each course.

You can share your course certificates in the Certifications section of your LinkedIn profile, on printed resumes, CVs, or other documents.

A Course Certificate includes:

  • The course name
  • The Responsible teacher’s signature
  • The logo of Aalto University
  • A unique verification QR code that allows others to check the Certificate’s authenticity

A Course Certificate does not include:

  • Academic credit from the partner institution offering the course
  • The final grade you got in the course
  • Your ID photo
  • The hours you spent working on coursework
  • A printed or mailed copy of the Course Certificate. Certificates are provided as downloadable PDF files, which you can print yourself. You can also share them electronically.

Unfortunately, Aalto University cannot provide course Certificates with any more information than they already include. Aalto University cannot provide any information or documentation about your course progress, completion, grades, or other information besides the Course Certificate.

Your Certificate for a course will be in whatever language you took the course in. Aalto University cannot provide translated Certificates.

Adding your Certificate on LinkedIn

To add the Certificate to your LinkedIn profile, click here, and fill in the following details.

Certification name: [Course name]

Issuing organisation: Aalto University

Credential ID: [On the bottom of your PDF certificate]

Credential URL: https://futureofwork.fi/cv/

ECTS credits

Aalto University Certificates do not provide professional or academic credits.

When you pay a course fee of 90€, you also register for a single-course non-degree study right at Aalto University. The non-degree study right and your Aalto University student account will be active for 6 months from the date of purchase.

You will receive instructions for activating your Aalto University student account within two weeks of paying the course fee. The student account can be used to gain access to the Aalto University Library Services. ECTS credits will be recorded once you have successfully completed the course. In order to gain ECTS credits, the course must be completed 6 months from the date of registration.